Gary Carlson

About Gary


All organizations have unique sets of information and data requirements. Aligning organizational strategy to the information reality is fundamental to any repeatable and measurable information/data/content practice. Organizations in search of a successful repeatable information platform need alignment in many areas so that they can build the right solutions that allow them to connect with their …


Serving CROW

In this two-part series, I will be borrowing from the presentation I gave at the Information Architecture Conference earlier this year: Moving Information Across Boundaries, Information Theory for Information Architecture. (1 of 2)

An image of a building foundation being constructed, used metaphorically to describe the foundation of something more broadly.

Information Architecture: the Importance of a Solid Foundation

Providing concrete return on investment (ROI) numbers for IA projects is often complicated and difficult to calculate. Successful IA project executions are dependent on a solid foundation. At enterprise scale, IA builds the foundation of an organization’s information infrastructure so that users can connect with the right information across multiple platforms to create the required connection. When the foundation is flawed, the connections don’t happen….

Your Content Strategy is an Important Organizational Asset

Most business organizations know they should manage their information and content. It’s easy to sink a lot of time and resources into creating, capturing, curating, and codifying content without realizing any tangible benefits. Indeed, without an Enterprise Content Strategy (ECS), any strategic content management process is like driving without a map.