All organizations have unique sets of information and data requirements. Aligning organizational strategy to the information reality is fundamental to any repeatable and measurable information/data/content practice.

Organizations in search of a successful repeatable information platform need alignment in many areas so that they can build the right solutions that allow them to connect with their customers, employees, and partners now and in the future. Ultimately, this requires the organization to develop an “information first” mindset. One where information and the realities of managing it are front and center and not an after thought.

This is work. Sometimes very difficult work. Organizations large and small often have competing priorities, outdated tech stacks, or a lack of organizational capabilities focused on information. But, looking at information projects as Alignment projects provides the perspective and framework necessary to move them forward.

In the following table a few of the types of alignment are listed along with a brief description of the type of work that is required and the output of the work.

Alignment table

There are other areas where alignment is obviously essential. Regulated industries need to align with laws and regulations, for example. But developing information rich capabilities at enterprise scale fundamentally requires alignment across many areas. This is why information architecture work needs to be addressed holistically. To flexibly move the information around in ways that support the business alignment is required up and down, side to side, inside and outside the organization.

The examples above have evolved as a result of years of projects we have done at Factor. Let us know if you have seen other areas where alignment is critical.

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