
A snapshot of an AI workflow modeled in Langflow, an open tool for moderating LLM-system workflows. Image source: Langflow Docs.

Checking In on the State of Linked Data at the Dawn of RAG

A snapshot of an AI workflow modeled in Langflow, an open tool for moderating LLM-system workflows. Image source: Langflow Docs. As Information Architects, it has been fascinating watching our collective understanding of generative AI improve over the last few years, myself included. Openly accessible models*, frameworks and datasets, available via Ollama and Huggingface, have enabled …

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Your Taxonomy Governance Plan Is Incomplete without a Documentation Maintenance Plan

This is a topic that’s been pretty near and dear to me, as I’m currently involved in an effort to migrate an enterprise taxonomy to an updated taxonomy management system. As part of the migration effort, I went back through old documentation to get a better understanding of why certain decisions had been made previously …

Your Taxonomy Governance Plan Is Incomplete without a Documentation Maintenance Plan Read More »

Scalable Taxonomies

In working on enterprise taxonomy projects, the issue of scale always comes up. “Scale” is a word that gets tossed around a lot but what does it really mean for taxonomies? How can taxonomies scale? What do organizations need to think about when considering requirements for taxonomy scale? We’ve found that the best way to …

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Implementing Taxonomies and IA: Ensuring Success

So, you did all this work and built these fantastic taxonomies and navigation models. Aren’t you done yet? Not really. Like architectural or backcountry trip plans, the realities of the situation will require modifications and adjustments to the information architecture.  The taxonomies, metadata, content models, and navigation that make up the IA will all be tested during implementation. …

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Essential Assessments for Designing Enterprise Taxonomy

Designing a taxonomy is the process of defining its structure. It details how different relationships will be used, formatting of the labels, and the attributes that will be associated with each term and relationship. The design process is also the right time to consider the governance and maintenance procedures for the taxonomy along with the technical implementation considerations.